To operate as a legitimate nonprofit charitable organization, Keystone PVA must meet the standards of our parent organization, the Paralyzed Veterans of America, which requires an annual audit conducted by an independent third party. Keystone PVA must report its finances annually to the U. S. Internal Revenue Service, which must meet the standards of the IRS Code Section 501(C)(3). Keystone PVA files a Form 990 annually with the IRS. Keystone PVA is also registered with the Bureau of Charitable Organizations in the Department of State of the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania, and reports annually and pays a registration fee to that agency.
In considering charities and other nonprofits, you might wish to check out, which has information, including the most recently-filed IRS Forms 990, on nearly two million nonprofits. Also consider the web site of the Better Business Bureau.
It is our policy to follow up any donation with a written acknowledgement for your tax records. Your donation is tax-deductible for federal tax purposes if you itemize your donations. Depending on the state in which you file your state income tax and the method by which you file, your donation may be tax-deductible for state tax purposes.
How much do we appreciate your generosity?
We appreciate every dime, and it doesn’t really take that much to serve Pennsylvania’s paralyzed veterans. If only one out of every 120 Pennsylvanians donated $3 each year, we could get the job done!
But the best type of generosity is the unsolicited type. Fundraising is very expensive! The costs of fundraising are greatly misunderstood. It’s not unusual for active fundraising to cost a very large percentage of the money raised. At the same time, a charity has to reach out, and outreach–calling by phone, sending mail, even organizing drives through social media–isn’t even close to free. It’s good to have volunteers, but fundraising is a skilled job, and training costs money, too.