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Donate TIME

Keystone PVA can benefit from your time, whether it’s to work on assembling the Easter Bags for Hospitalized Vets, or to volunteer time at one of the veterans’ hospitals in Altoona, Butler, Erie, Lebanon, or Pittsburgh (and we’re looking for folks in the Scranton/Wilkes-Barre area). Want to know more? Contact Volunteer Coordinator Agnes Strang, 724-745-1861.

Want to team up with a paralyzed veteran at one of our public outreach events?  We get offers to staff information tables at all kinds of events, large and small, throughout the year.  It’s usually a two-to-four hour event somewhere in Pennsylvania.  Our table staffers hand out information and promotional items, and talk to a lot of really interesting people!  Call Marisa Markowitz at the chapter office, 800-775-9323, if you would like to help.

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