We can make your donation of money go a long way, especially if you donate directly by check made out to “Keystone Paralyzed Veterans of America” or “Keystone PVA,” and mailed to Keystone PVA, 1113 Main Street, Pittsburgh, PA 15215-2407.
You can make a donation by credit card/PayPal by going our website at Please Give. You may also make a donation by credit card in going to GreatNonprofits.org. Click here to go to the Keystone PVA page at GreatNonprofits.org.
(You can also donate your opinion! Near the top of the Keystone PVA page at GreatNonprofits.org is the “Write A Review” button. Click there and offer your thoughts about us. Of course, we would also appreciate hearing those thoughts directly from you, by phone, postal service or e-mail–keystoneparavets@gmail.com .)
We will be pleased to apply any amount you may wish to contribute to the programs of the Keystone Paralyzed Veterans of America. And we will be most grateful for your support.