The next Keystone PVA MEMBERSHIP MEETING will be on Saturday, 11 JUNE 2022 (Lunch 12 noon; meeting 12:45 p.m.) Primary site: Erie VA Medical Center in the upper parking lot pavilion Join by Zoom videoconference. The meeting at the Erie VAMC is for members in the Erie area to attend in person. All others
are welcome to join online; the Zoom link will be emailed to members with email addresses. Lunch will be served! (The chapter will not reimburse travel to and
from the event for attendees.)
If attending in person PLEASE RSVP by 03 June 2022 to 412-781-2474 or 800-775-9323
135 E. 38th Street
Erie PA 16504-1559
For those that can not attend Erie VAMC, please use the Zoom Meeting Info.
Join Zoom Meeting
Meeting ID: 832 9725 3881
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