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Town Hall Honoring Veterans for Their Service, Sacrifice – 2 November 2022

FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE                                               
Oct. 25, 2022

DMVA to Host Virtual Town Hall Honoring Veterans
for Their Service, Sacrifice

Annville, PA – The Pennsylvania Department of Military and Veterans Affairs (DMVA) will host the fifth and final virtual Veteran Town Hall of the year on Wednesday, Nov. 2, 2022, from 6-7:30 p.m. The town hall will focus on honoring veterans for their service and sacrifice. 

Please join Brig. Gen. (PA) Maureen Weigl, DMVA deputy adjutant general for Veterans Affairs; Kory Auch, Governor’s Office of Administration special advisor for Veteran Programs; Bridget Slagan, Camp Freedom development coordinator; and Debbie Goral, VA Veteran Community Partnership.

Attendees can participate by using this Microsoft Teams Link. Participants will have the opportunity to ask questions of the presenters live during the program through the chat feature.

“As Veterans Day approaches, it is only appropriate that our final town hall of the year honors Pennsylvania’s more than 700,000 veterans for all they have done to protect our nation and preserve our freedom,” said Maj. Gen. Mark Schindler, Pennsylvania’s adjutant general and head of the DMVA. “It will be a pleasure to express our admiration for veterans and their families, while overviewing the various community organizations that honor veterans with free programs and services.”

The 2022 town hall series has provided the commonwealth’s veterans with a convenient platform to learn and ask questions about programs and services earned through their military service.

For anyone who would like to view recordings of the previous 2022 Virtual Veteran Town Hall sessions, please use this link.

To learn more about the DMVA, visit us online at or follow us at or

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