Mark your calendar
The following events are for 2019. For more information, to register or to sponsor: call 800-775-9323 or 412-781-2474.
Saturday, 09 February: Membership Meeting, three locations: The Heinz Campus, Building 51, Room 1A109, of the VA Pittsburgh Healthcare System, 1010 Delafield Road, Pittsburgh PA 15215; Erie VA Medical Center, 135 E. 38th Street, Erie PA 16504; and the Lebanon VAMC, 1700 Lincoln Avenue, Lebanon PA 17042. Lunch at 12 noon; meeting 12:45 to 2 p.m. Call the office to register so we have enough food! Office numbers: 800-775-9323 or 412-781-2474. Members may call in directly from other locations but will not earn Health & Recreation points.
Saturday, 16 March and Sunday, 17 March: Air Rifle Seminar and Competition, HealthSouth Harmarville, 320 Guys Run Road, Pittsburgh PA 15238. Organized by the VA Pittsburgh Healthcare System with an assist from Keystone PVA. Call the office, 800-775-9323 or 412-781-2474, and we’ll put you in touch with the organizers.
Saturday, 13 April: Membership Meeting at the James E. Van Zandt VA Medical Center, 2907 Pleasant Valley Road, Altoona PA 16602; Erie VA Medical Center, 135 E. 38th Street, Erie PA 16504; and the Lebanon VAMC, 1700 Lincoln Avenue, Lebanon PA 17042. Lunch at 12 noon; meeting 12:45 to 2 p.m. Call the office to register so we have enough food! 800-775-9323 or 412-781-2474.
Need to check on other events that the chapter is involved in?
Click here to go to the Events page for details.
DEADLINE for the next issue of The Parascope
The deadline for all submissions for the January-February 2019 issue of The Parascope is 17 December. Thanks to Bill and Jean Jakovac and Shirley Wheaton who tab and label the copies for mailing, to Beth Carmona, who maintains the mailing list and prints a fresh one prior to mailing, and to Diane Byrnes, who not only collects most of the routine reports and makes sure they are in electronically-editable condition, assembles the bulk mailing for the U.S. Postal Service–a complicated task!
Scroll down for the recent past electronic versions of The Parascope. More recent editions can be sent to you by e-mail; give us a call. Our phone numbers are 412-781-2474 and 800-775-9323. Spot an error? We would like to know if you do.
Recent Keystone PVA publications are now available online. If you currently receive The Parascope by USPS (regular delivered mail) and would like to receive it electronically instead, please send us an e-mail or phone the office.
If you have Adobe Acrobat or Adobe Reader on your computer, you will be able to view and print out publications such as our Annual Report and the bi-monthly newsletter, The Parascope.
Get Acrobat Reader from Adobe without charge by clicking on this link:
2015 Annual Report (File size: (1.37 MB)
2014 Annual Report (File size: 1.6MB)
Copies of The Parascope currently available on-line:
September-October 2014 (File size: 4.68MB)
July-August 2014 (File size: 4.66MB)
May-June 2014 (File size: 4.00MB)
March-April 2014 (File size: 3.61MB)
January-February 2014 (File size: 3.50MB)