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Posters and Poems From 2021

During the year, a number of student step forth to share their support to the individuals who have put themselves forward in support of our nation. Some of these veterans meet with additional challenges and are not forgotten.

1st-2nd Grade Poster Division

Lillianne Amber
2nd Grade
Hatfield Elementary
Uniontown Area School District
Teacher: Jessica Kodric

3rd-4th Grade Poster Division (Tied Winners)

Molly Marcinek
4th Grade
Franklin Elementary
Uniontown Area School District
Teacher: Beth Geary

Brooke Yates
4th Grade
Franklin Elementary
Uniontown Area School District
Teacher: Beth Geary

5th-6th Grade Poem Division

Mason French
5th grade
Franklin Elementary
Uniontown Area School District
Teacher: Beth Geary

“Honor The Spot”
Please keep spots free,
for those in wheelchairs,
For those in need,
Who need less walking.

So lets start talking ,
About all the walking,
For people who served,
And people with disabilities.

Honor the spot,
In the parking lot,
On the dot,
For people in need.

7th-8th Grade Poem Division (Three-Way Tie)

Riley Brown
8th Grade
Charleroi Middle School
Charleroi Area School District. Teacher: Tiffeni Furman

“Helping Out Our Heros”
They fought for our freedom.
It shattered their minds.
Their bodies were broken.
Some met their demise.
To those still here,
Constricted by wheels,
We gave you a spot to park.
A spot that’s safe to roll out of your cars.
And to those who take our veterans special spots,
We will help you understand why you should not.
These spots are for those we should respect.
Not those we should overlook and neglect.

Ian Potts
8th Grade
Brookline Pre K-8 School
Pittsburgh Public Schools
Teacher: Kari Gajewski

“Disrespected and Dishonored”
I arrived at the field
Obstacles everywhere
Each slow roll longer than the last
I passed the whellchair ramp
No longer accessible
Blocked by ignorance and a 4×4 pickup truck
“Honor Veterans” they say
Where’s my honor?
With no way to get to the store
I retreat to my car
And leave ashamed
Of an injury
I suffered from protecting
The very disrespect I face
That I hope others will not experience

Nevarah Hollins
8th Grade
Brookline Pre K-8 School
Pittsburgh Public Schools
Teacher: Kari Gajewski

“My Home”
A million spots but that one is mine
It fills the void I hold deep inside
A million words describe what that spot means to me
Acceptance, belonging, change, adversity

I’m not afraid to use my wheelchair
as long as that symbol is there
It lets me know there are people who love & truly care
This spot is not your free parking zone

This spot is where I belong, its my home
My home…

Wonderful thanks for giving of all your talents, included for all to enjoy!

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