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Tom Strang

Tom Strang

Member, Board of Directors
Site Leader: Hospital Liaison, and VAVS Representative (VA Pittsburgh Healthcare System)

I am 80 years old and married to Agnes Strang, the Volunteer Coordinator of Keystone PVA. We have two children, Loren and Tom; both married. They have blessed us with seven beautiful grandchildren – one boy and six girls.

In the early 1960s, I served on the submarine USS Carp (SS-338). My rank was Torpedoman Second Class SS and I was in charge of the aft torpedo room.

My spinal cord injury level is complete and my level of function is paraplegia.

In the past 18 years I have served at times as your Treasurer, Secretary, member of the Board of Directors and Sports Director, and Hospital Liaison Officer.

At present I am your Membership Officer, Associate Sports Director, member of the Board of Directors and Hospital Liaison Officer in the VA Pittsburgh Healthcare System (VAPHS). I am the Keystone Chapter’s VA Voluntary Service Representative at the H. John Heinz III Progressive Care Center and the University Drive hospital of the VAPHS. I monitor the SCI clinic and the wheelchair seating clinic at the Heinz PCC.

My goals and those of the Chapter are to uphold the commitment to improving the quality of life and protecting the rights of spinal-cord injured and neurologically impaired patients. The major areas of effort lie with providing health care benefits, service rights, SCI research, recreation, sports activities and working to create legislation to ensure employment opportunities and civil rights and to become leaders in the fight against barriers in the everyday world. Our goals are: Consistency, Determination and You – our members.

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