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image of Mark Rosensteel, 2022 president of keystone chapter

How we stand up for our country on Veterans Day!

How do we stand up for our country, even though we can’t stand anymore? We may be broken on the outside, but on the inside, we have more determination than one could ever know. When we hear that call, the call of duty, we respond in a minute.

We may have prosthetic arms or legs, or even be confined to a wheelchair; when duty calls we will be there. This Veterans Day, November 11, 2022, we will stand in the streets tall and proud, proud to be military service men and women of all ages.

Mark O. Rosensteel

President, Board of Directors; Shooting/Air Rifle Sports Resident: Apollo, Pennsylvania I joined the United States Air Force February 19, 1980. I went through basic training in San Antonio Texas, graduated April 1, 1980 and proceeded to Denver Colorado Lowrey Air Force Base. Where I received an intensive course in electronics… Read More »Mark O. Rosensteel

Annual Awards Banquet

Next Annual Awards Banquet set for Thursday, 07 October 2021 Our banquet this year will not be held in person. By now everyone should have received a letter in the mail inviting you to the Annual Awards Banquet via Zoom video. There will be a link posted shortly, ceremony will… Read More »Annual Awards Banquet

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